Monday, October 22, 2012

Lack, Needs, Desires


* Special Note To The Reader:

Today I am sharing with you my entire entry to my personal journal. I have never share directly from my journal in this way before. Nonetheless, today I feel strongly that this is something that I am supposed to share with you.

New Life Journal

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

Sunday, October 21, 2012

6:13 am

Greetings Most Beloved Infinite Source, I am honored, overjoyed and blessed to be a part of another day of creation. Use me as you see fit, I am here as Your full spiritual vessel poring out that which You would have others partake of. I am not better than anyone else, I am simply aware of my spiritual oneness with You and the whole of creation, and on a daily basis I am coming into a deeper understanding of my purpose for being here as a part of the whole of creation. Yet I understand that is but a morsel from the table of complete spiritual comprehension. Please guide me along the path of Total Spiritual Re-Call, and the full conscious manifestation of that which flows in me and through all that I am and all that I do.

The first and most important thing that I am working on in the now is total spiritual understanding; and having that take full root, blossom, and produce an abundance of spiritual fruit in and through me; then having that demonstrated in everything that I think, say, and do. Alone with that, I know deep down within me, that everything that is needed for me to do what I am here to do, will materialize at the divinely appointed time, I lack for nothing because there is no such thing as lack. Since I am a part of Infinite Source that means that all things are a part of me, and all things are at my disposal. All I have to do is to hold the proper belief, be receptive, and willing to uphold my part in the glorious dance of creation.

Even though I know there is no lack, I still have needs and desires. Yet some say that I should need and want for nothing, because everything has already been given to us, and they say that needing and desiring things is humanities big problem. Infinite Source, if I am in error in feeling that I need something, and I am in error when I desire things, please show me my error so I can correct it. However, I honestly cannot see my error in desiring and feeling a need for things, especially my desire to find a way to go deeper in my spiritual understanding and my daily lifestyle. Ultimately I believe that almost everything I seek and desire will bring me to the place spiritually that I believe I should be at. I know that there are some errors in that which I do, but that is because I am still a student of spiritual enlightenment; I have yet to fully manifest the fullness of the spiritual perfection that I am; I am still a creator apprentice. That is why I am always seeking divine direction. I take very serious what I am supposed to learn from this experience called life. I am not here to satisfy others or play games; I am here to do that which I have been created to do. I am not Mr. Know It All; nonetheless I do know that life is not meant to be the way that I have been living it. So I have changed that in the here and now, and I will continue to make changes as long as change is needed in me and in my surrounding world.

When I spoke of desires I was speaking of what I am experiencing in life. I know that we are to share the experience of life with our sisters and brothers, and in doing so we are to have one-on-one intimate relationships with each other; partially for the purpose of pro-creation, but also for the purpose of enriching our experience with life. The enriching of our experience with life teaches us that we are in this thing called life as partners, as members of one sacred organism, one body working together in harmony; another reason for the intimacy is for us to learn the true meaning and importance of Love, and I am not talking about the kind of love mankind has created that only gives of itself if something is given in return. I am speaking of a Sacred Love, the kind of Love we receive every single day; and that Love is totally unconditional. In our intimate relationship we are supposed to learn Unconditional Love, a love that is given openly and totally without any expectations.

For reasons that I am partially aware of, but not totally aware of, I have missed out on having an intimate love relationship such as I have mentioned. I take full responsibility for whatever errors have caused me to miss out on such. Nevertheless, that is the past and I cannot change it or dwell on it; so I am taking the stand right here and now; being without an intimate love relationship will no longer be a part of my ongoing reality. Actually, as I think about it, that was never a part of my true reality anyway. That was an illusion that I allowed in as part of my life, something that I entertained and allowed in and act as part of my reality. Nevertheless, I have decided to no longer give such illusion and adversity an audience or place in my life again. I open up fully to the true reality of unconditional love and relationship, and embrace everything that I must embrace to make the divine experience of intimacy with the Sacred Woman I call my Soul Partner, Friend, Companion, Lover, and Spiritual Mate a major part in my life and ongoing reality.

The other things I am to experience in life along side of entering into the state of Divine Spiritual Consciousness fully, and the intimate relationship with the Sacred Woman I am to be with; is being able to know the proper things to manifest in my life and surrounding world. I am the creator of my reality, and I must create everything in accordance with the Spiritual Law of Oneness; meaning that everything that I do must be of such energy that it gives to the whole of creation, and does not take from it, leaving a void of emptiness because it was self-centered and exclusive, and not self-less and inclusive of the whole of creation, for the ultimate benefit of the entire universe, which is the ultimate whole of creation.

Since I am temporarily a part of this dense physical realm, I must have and use material things. Since my spiritual awakening I have come to understand that there is nothing wrong with desiring material things of quality, wanting the best. There are those who say that we should not desire material things. Well, those same people have many material things, and if they were all taken from them they would be at the front of the line of need and desire. There is a religious teaching that goes something like this, my paraphrase of course; give no thought or worry for tomorrow, because tomorrow will take care of itself. That is because everything has been provided for us, even before we were created and became the physical beings that we are today. Because of that there are things that I desire that have already been prepared for me. Those things I am worthy of and I am prepared to and in the process of receiving them. Outside of being prepared to receive the wonder-full intimate relationship with the Sacred Woman I will share the rest of my life with; I am likewise prepared and ready to receive the steady income, home, vehicle, and ministry/lifework that is ordained for me to be a part of. Why do I speak of everything as if everything is spiritual? I speak of everything as if it is spiritual because everything that is a part of our reality is truly spiritual. Every single thing that was created was created by Infinite Source; was created by Great Spirit, as my Native American ancestors call God. That in and of itself makes everything spiritual. The problems in life occur when humans stop seeing everything, as it truly is, Spiritual.

I used to say from time to time that I have nothing, or I am struggling. I was totally wrong for believing and saying that I have nothing, I was likewise wrong for believing that I had to struggle through life. Life is not designed for us to struggle through it, even though it seems like that is the case. We create the situations for struggle, that is the only reason why we struggle. I am in the process of correcting all of my misconceptions about life and my role in it. There have been many Spiritual Masters who have done what they could to teach us that we are worthy of only the best, and all we have to do is believe in the divine power of Spirit/Infinite Source within us to get and do all that we are placed here to get and do. The sky is not even our limit, there are no limits because we are one with the One; All Is One. How can the son and daughter of the King and Queen live as a vagabond while dwelling in the castle? This physical plane is our temporary castle; it is Infinite Source’skingdom of which we are rightful heirs. We have that which we choose to have, nothing more and nothing less. I choose to possess my full inheritance in the here and now.

I am on the path of total spiritual transformation, because I no longer buy into the beliefs and negative isms of others. I am taking the example of those who have come before me and I am building on their works and surpass them, not because I am better than they are, but because that is what we are all supposed to do. The student is always supposed to advance beyond its teacher, because that is the natural progression of student and teacher. Even Jesus taught the following; “whoever believes in me, those works which I have done he will also do, and he will do greater works than these”.Some may ask; do you think you are Jesus; or do you think that you are greater than him. First, I am one with Jesus because Jesus and I are a part of the same infinite whole. Second, I am not greater than Jesus or anyone else; nonetheless my goal is to do greater things because that is a part of my calling, as well as everyone else’s calling. It just came to me to call it our Collective Spiritual Evolution. Jesus and all of the other Spiritual Masters were on the path of Collective Spiritual Evolution; they were out front for all to see and to be examples to us, not gods and idols to worship and praise. Even if the stories of such masters were all made up, I believe that the purpose was and still is for motivating us to the point of reaching the spiritual plateaus we are supposed to ascend to during this physical incarnation.

Worthiness; it is all about worthiness. In just about every way possible humanity is taught that we are not worthy of anything because we were born into sin, born in a state of being less than. We were not born sinners and less than anything. We were created by Perfection Itself, so that makes us worthy of all things. It also makes us a perfect creation, that is something that we surely lost sight of. We have been erroneously taught that we are lacking and in need of a savior, and many are still being taught that same thing by those who do not have the slightest clue about our divine eternal reality of complete worthiness, by way of Great Spirit within us. We are and always have been worthy of only the best. Yet even though that is our reality, nothing will ever be forced on us. Just as with the story of the prodigal son, he went out and squandered everything that he had and then lived as a homeless beggar. Nonetheless, when he returned home is father said; “you are always with me, and everything I have is yours”. It is the same thing with me; I was out there in the world acting contrary to that which I am; acting like I was a vagrant who was begging for the meager crumbs from the table, when all along the banquet table was laid out just for me.

No longer will I settle for less than that which is rightfully mine. In receiving that which is mine I am being an example to others of what they can and should do and possess. I am breaking the cycle of lack and unworthiness in my life. I take up conscious abode in the sacred dwelling place of spiritual awareness that was designed for me within my spirit, and I am filled with blessings to the point of overflowing. My needs are completely met, and I share that which I am blessed with those who are consciously less fortunate in their learning, and at the same or similar place I used to reside in. As I know and always say, I am no better than anyone else. The reality of the situation is this; in relationship to some, I have simply traveled a little further down the path of spiritual enlightenment than some, and not half as far down that path as others. Nevertheless, in due time we all will complete the journey down the awesome spiritual path, to our complete spiritual awakening and total spiritual transformation. No matter how this experience called life may seem to me from time-to-time, Life Is Surely Wonder-Full! I am grateful for my every experience in life. I am likewise grateful and send love to every precious person who has crossed my path during this lifetime. Every single encounter was divinely ordained, and necessary for me to become who I am today. I am happy with who I am in the Most Glorious NOW.

I share this with you in the Light of Oneness and Love!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

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