Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Sacred Rhythm


Sacred Rhythm

Key Word (s): Rhythm

1. The regular pattern of beats and emphasis in a piece of music
2. Any regularly recurring pattern of activity such as the cycle of the seasons, night and day, or repeated functions of the body
3. The characteristic pattern of a particular activity


The Sacred Rhythm I am speaking of here, is the continuous blessing we receive in the form of the vibration of life, which is caused by the Sacred Energy which causes each beat of our hearts. Each heart beat is a blessings of life that we receive, we receive approximately 129,600 to 172,800 blessings of life each day; which is the average number of heart beat each person has per day. Now those are just the rhythmic blessings of the heart, which we receive each and every day of our lives. As you know, our blessings do not stop with our heart beats; there is a multitude of functions that occur each minute for our bodies to remain alive, blessings that occur for us to do things such as talk, walk, think, eat, and do everything else that we must do as we go about our lives each and every day.
How could I have ever thought that I was anything less than one of the wealthiest creations on this planet? How could I have had the nerve to believe that I was anything less that abundantly blessed, and provided for every second of every day? How could I have not known that my every need was already met before I comprehended it as a need? Was I programmed by outside forces to the degree that I could not comprehend such truth? Sadly that answer is yes; I was programmed by outside forces to the degree that I could not comprehend the truth even though it made up my reality, and I was living and experiencing it every second of every day. I believe that was something that I had to experience; to fully appreciate the multitude of blessings I am the recipient of each day. I can now see how blessed I am, and I know that there is no limit to the blessings that I can receive. Likewise, there is nothing I will desire that is outside of my realm of true spiritual reality.
My major focus in each moment of life I am blessed to live is this; I focus on remaining in the Sacred Place of complete Spiritual Balance. Doing so will surely keep me in the space of Spiritual Oneness and Spiritual Enlightenment that I am supposed to occupy continually. As long as I am occupying that Sacred Place there will be no desires that are out of balance and contrary to the Sacred Path I am traveling; and I will desire only those things that resonate with the Sacred Energy of Universal Intelligence. I am always in synchronistic balance with the Sacred Rhythm of my Beloved Parent, Mother-Father Goddess-God; I simply must remain ever conscious of that divine reality, so I can consciously reap the beneficial blessings that are bestowed upon me every second of every day.



I Am One with, and Totally Synchronized with The Sacred Rhythm of Spirit!

So It Eternally Is!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

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