Thursday, October 4, 2012




Key Word (s): Transcendental

1. Of or relating to a spiritual or nonphysical; Superior in quality and/or achievement
2. Exceeding the limits of experience
3. Above or outside all known categories
4. Existing outside the material universe and so not limited by it


The word transcendental reminds me of Transcendental Meditation; years ago when I first heard of Transcendental Meditation, I thought it was a special form of meditation, when all along every form of meditation relating the that which is truly spiritual is transcendental in nature.
When we meditate, we transcend the limits of the dense physical realm and travel to places outside of our physical imitations. During meditation we are release from physical confines and we are able to soar through the heavens on wings of glory like an eagle soars through the sky. That reminds me of something I wrote entitled; “Soaring on The Wings of Love” as well as “Soaring on The Wings of Rhythm”.

When I Transcend I Soar Through Heavenly Places!


Soaring On The Wings of Love

Have you ever seen an eagle soaring across the sky with absolutely no effort at all, and no worries of the world? Wow; what a glorious sight.

That’s how my heart and spirit, which is full of Love, soars unrestraint when I think of the awesome Unconditional Love that created our beautiful universe and everything in it.

Oh how I Love the Essence and Beauty of Creation.

Simply the thought of Love immediately sends my mind, heart, and spirit soaring above all the cares and false worries of life, and likewise it causes me to wade in Goddess-God’s pools of Blessing, Forgiveness, Compassion and Unconditional Love.

I fully recognize that I Am Born Again on a daily basis, with no past to regretfully remember, only the Brilliant Luminous Omniscient Loving Present Moment of a Glorious Infinite Existence.

As I soar I can clearly see all of the tall and beautiful majestic trees reaching to the heavens as the gentle Life Giving Breath of Great Spirit moves them.

My cheeks are blushed with the brilliance of A Love Supreme.

Soaring on the awakened inner energy of Love is a Divine adventure of eternal joy, excitement, and glory that will never be surpassed throughout eternity.

My face shines ever so brightly, full of Peace, Love, and Light; this adventure is one that will be with me throughout my perpetual spiritual journey wherever it takes me.

The Unconditional Love of Great Spirit is so creative, smooth and delicate; that it gracefully ushers in the creation of a multitude of new life each and every day.

Since I have consciously experienced the freedom and delightful majesty of soaring on the Wings of Love, I will never be the same.

I gracefully and respectfully soar through the heavens on the Wings of Love into every new moment and experience.

My heart is wide open and full of Unconditional Love in its fullness, a magnificent gifted that has been bestowed upon me by Great Spirit.

I Am Soaring On The Wings of Love.

Do you care to join me?

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala
Copyright © March 2004
(Revised 10.04.12)


Soaring On The Wings of Rhythm
Revised from; Floating On The Wings of Rhythm
Feb. 22, 2012
When I am soaring on the Wings of Rhythm, which are the Sacred Rhythms of Life and Love; I ascend far above the erroneously troubled and egocentric illusionary reality that has been created and maintained by way of the massive lack of spiritual knowledge of the limited human intellect. Because I have regained my conscious connection with the Sacred Spiritual Rhythms within, I once again have entered into the Divine Awareness of my Sacred Divinity, and I flow freely and boldly with that Sacred Divinity that dwells within my Precious Spirit. 

The Sacred Melodic Rhythms, and the Divine Beats that are birthed within my Spirit continually awaken, soothe and heal me on all levels of my existence as I sojourn through this dense physical plane I affectionately call and respect as Earth Mother.
Countless times the warming inner rhythms of Spirit, have rescued me from the imminent threats of depression, despair, hopelessness, and overwhelming doubt, allowing the Divine Energy and Light of Spirit to reveal to me the never ending Presence and Glory of Divine Oneness.
I have tried to understand humanity and myself, and the many schemes that have been set in motion to deceive and destroy our divine flow. Hence, I have come to realized that most of it is due to humanity creating Spirit in it’s image and likeness, and humanity having the nerve to falsely dictate what they call the Will of God to the world.
The deception and schemes of the human intellect, can be mind-boggling and unbalancing to our spiritual flow; because they infect and sicken our true human understanding; the precious energy within us, and disrupts the pristine atmosphere of Unconditional Love that is created and gifted to us so that it can flow freely within us and through us and foster life; the pristine atmosphere of Unconditional Love that we are supposed to share openly and freely with each other and the Whole of Creation.
When flowing with the nefarious current of human thinking and understanding, little thought is given to how the Whole of Creation will suffer due to individual selfish desires and wants; yet deliverance is to be found in the Sanctuary of Spirit’s Holy Temple of Unconditional Love, within our Higher Spiritual Selves. So we all must yield to the Inner Rhythmic Guidance of Spirit’s Holy Temple of Unconditional Love.

Soaring on the Wings of Rhythm saved me from the troubled human creation of deception.

I persistently thank Universal Intelligence for faith, hope, and the Eternal Vibrant Sparkling Light of Unconditional Love; which is the sole foundation of my Eternal Sacred Inheritance and my Eternal Existence and Vibration.
When I find myself in such a state that I erroneously feel as if all hope is gone, the Rhythmic Vibrations of Faith and Hope consistently rescue me from all human ignorance, and all of the self inflected situations that have the potential of turning into my very own personally created hell right here on earth; which is being designed by my human ignorance and not the Sacred Resolve within my Spirit. Faith and Hope are the Sacred Vibrations that are specifically designed to help rescue me from the depths of spiritual ignorance, when I allow them to do so.
The Rhythmic Vibrations of SPIRIT consistently pump the warm invigorating crimson life force through every vein in my body, and blessings continue to unfold in the presence of all manner of worldly turmoil.

Soaring on the Wings of Rhythm saved me from the troubled human creation of deception.

The Sacred Rhythms within my Spirit have caused me to correctly and consistently re-call who I am and what my eternal purpose truly is on this awesome journey through the School of Life.
Every single part of creation is motivated and exclusively driven by Spirit’s Rhythmic Heart Beat, it is the Omniscient Driving Force of our Eternal Existence, it is the Ancient Rhythms that will not and have not change since before the existence of time; it is Spirit’s Glorious Eternal Heart Rhythm.
Every single time that I close my eyes to pray and meditate, I feel Spirit’s Glorious Eternal Heart Rhythm sharing its Eternal Life Force with me, and I experience it fully permeating my surrounding world and me.
Nothing is more precious than the Sacred Rhythms of Unconditional Love, which is the Divine Vibration of Spirit, our Sacred Parent Mother-Father Goddess-God.
I now know without a single shadow of doubt that Peace, Light, and Unconditional Love is found alive and flowing freely in abundance in the Melodic Eternal Rhythmic Beat within my Spirit.

Soaring on the Wings of Rhythm saved me from the troubled human creation of deception.

Are you in search of the Truth, Peace, Light, and the Unconditional Love of Spirit?
Be still, pray, meditate, yield to, and live in accordance with the Sacred Rhythmic Beat within.
Soaring On The Wings of Rhythm!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala
Copyright © Sept. 2008
(Revised Oct. 3, 2012)



I transcend all human limitations, with the help of Spirit
I Am Soaring on The Spiritual Wings of Glory!

So It Eternally Is!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

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