Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Spiritual Pioneer


Spiritual Pioneer

Key Word (s): Spiritual - Pioneer

1. Relating to and affecting the human spirit or soul, usually in contrast to material things
2. Sacred things rather than worldly things
3. Showing great refinement and concern with the higher things of existence and consciousness

1. A person or group that is the first to do something or that is a forerunner in creating or developing something new
2. Somebody who goes into previously uncharted or unclaimed territory


Let us boldly go where no one has gone before. Does that sound vaguely familiar to you? We are supposed to be Spiritual Adventurers, Spiritual Explorers, and Spiritual Pioneers who are in the process of discovering and living out our true spiritual nature, heritage, abilities, and purpose for existing on such a dense physical plane as we find ourselves. Yet most of us are just the opposite of that; we are those who have identified ourselves with only being physical human beings, who are journeying through life visiting places others have gone and learning about the experiences and pleasure of those who have gone to those places. Why do we spend so much time designating our existence to exploring and reliving the experiences of others, even though we can clearly see that where they have gone and what they have done has not been fruitful, or as fruitful as it should have been? Even if their experiences were fabulous, they are their experiences. We need to seek out our own fabulous experiences and stop coveting the experiences, friends, lovers, and things of others. It is time that we become Spiritual Pioneers. When we become Spiritual Pioneers we will go places no one else has ever traveled, that is because our experiences in life will cause us to travel uncharted paths. Even though the paths we pioneer will be uncharted and different, they will lead us to the same final heavenly destination that we all must eventually reach, which is our true Eternal Spiritual Home.
I clearly and fully understand that we are one; nonetheless, our oneness is in no way is supposed to detract from our uniquely designed individuality. All of the parts of an engine must work together in harmony as one finely tune creation, for that engine to run as designed; that is basically saying that the engine is functioning in a state of harmony and oneness. Would that be possible if every part of that engine was designed to be exactly the same shape? No, of course not. First of all the parts of that engine would in no way be able to fit together, much less run together in harmony. Well, it is the exact same thing when it comes to Spiritual Beings going through a physical experience. Yes, we are one with each other; our eternal spirits are connected to each other by way of the Divine Eternal Energy of Infinite Source, which is the full manifestation of Universal Oneness. However, the glory and magnificence of our oneness does not nullify the importance and sacredness of our uniquely designed individuality. Oneness and individuality are designed to work together in perfect harmony; that is the perfection of creation.
The biggest mis-take human beings have and are still making today is to try to perfect that which is already perfect. You had better prepare yourself because I am getting ready to say it; every single human being that has existed here on this physical plane and currently exists on this physical plane were created, conceived and birthed into existence as complete perfect beings. Yes, I am saying that we are perfect with no hesitation, simply because we act contrary to that divine reality does not terminate its eternal validity. You see, we are merely perceiving and comprehending who we are incorrectly. We are not mere physical human beings who are made up of physical matter; we are Eternal Spiritual Beings of Pure Perfect Spiritual Energy. We are so miseducated and deluded that we believe that there will come a time when we will rise from the dead and take on our old physical bodies, and then live on forever with a god who also has physical form, a male physical form at that. That is purely the faulty creation of the collective limited human intellect that has been influenced by male chauvinistic thinking.
We must examine our condition properly. Our big problem is we are trying to comprehend that which is spiritual through our extremely limited physical senses, and that is absolutely impossible to do. We must open up and learn how to see with our First Eye (our spiritual sight) and hear with our first ear (our spiritual hearing), and then we can start to be, and start to create that which we have always been and always were able to create. There isn’t and never has been anything wrong with us and the world, and the way it was created. That being the case explains why things are the way that they are, in our limited human brilliance we dissected and tried to recreate that which was already perfect. In all of our wisdom, we could never dissect any part of the creation of Infinite Source and expect to put it back together as it originally was or better. We human beings must stop trying to be the leader of everyone and everything outside of ourselves. We also must stop trying to be the god of everything outside of ourselves as well, and start correcting all of the misconceptions, illusions and outright deception that have originated from deep within our lower selves, which origins are this dense physical plane. A shift in the universal spiritual consciousness has already begun to take place in the universe, and its energy is causing the same kind of shift to take place here on this dense physical plane we so affectionately, yet erroneously claim as our home.
The above definition says that a pioneer is a person that is the first to do something, the forerunner in creating and/or developing something new. A pioneer is someone who ventures into previously uncharted territories; a Spiritual Pioneer is actually one who blazes her or his own trail. Our individual pioneer trails are not meant for others to travel. Nonetheless, they are available for others to see as an example; seen from the outside they are meant to be a demonstration to others of what can and must be done by us all. Jesus, Buddha, Gandhi, and Martin Luther King Jr. were four of the more popular Spiritual Pioneers known to mankind. The major problem most people have concerning them is they try to follow their paths, and that cannot be done. Everything that they accomplished, and the paths that they blazed while physically sojourning Earth Mother was specifically for them, due to where they were spiritually. Even though all of them were extremely focused and labeled as Spiritual Masters, they could not follow each other’s paths.
So my beloved spiritual sisters and brothers, we are being called to be Spiritual Pioneers. Are we going to answer that call without hesitation? The sooner we get with the sacred program, the quicker things will align in our lives and the quicker we will make complete sense of this sojourn called life. I do not know about anyone else, I want nothing short of the best. I want everything that has been created exclusively for me; and I want it as soon as possible. I have accepted the call to be a Spiritual Pioneer. I hope you have as well. If so, then I will be able to see you blazing your own trail in the very near future.



I Am A Spiritual Pioneer, Going Places No One Has Gone.
All Things Spiritual Are Recalled In Due Time.

So It Eternally Is!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

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