Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Symbolism of Gold


Raw Gold Nugget

Key Word (s): Gold

1. A soft heavy yellow metal that is highly valued and widely used to make jewelry
2. A deep rich yellow color that resembles that of the metal gold
3. A yellow precious metal, the chemical element of atomic number 79, valued esp. for use in jewelry and decoration, and to guarantee the value of currencies.


This morning during my Sacred Time the word Gold entered my thoughts. I was wondering why gold, however as I thought about it I became sure it has a lot to do with the changes I am in the process of making in my life at this time. The major part of the change is my relocation from Columbus, North Carolina to Santa Fe, New Mexico. I am making this move knowing that everything that I need will manifest for me when I get to Santa Fe. My journey to Santa Fe is the rainbow I am following, and when I arrive in Santa Fe I will discover my Pot of Gold. My Pot of Gold will consist of that which is spiritual in nature that will reinforce my current state of spirituality and give me that which I need to increase it in every way; it will also consist of that which I need to be financially stable. My Pot of Gold will also consist of the relationships I have longed to establish; sisters and brothers who are on the same spiritual path as myself, it will also have the Love Relationship I have longed to have for many years. My Pot of Gold will also possess the means for the Ministry/Life Work that has been burning in my Spirit for years to come to fruition. In essence, my Pot of Gold at the end of my rainbow will possess everything I need to live the totally fulfilled Spiritual life I am blessed supposed to live.
Below is some of what I learned when I did a brief search on gold. Gold is much more than we think it is, what is below only skims the surface of what gold truly is and does; yet it give us a place to start in the expansion of our understanding of gold. Gold was not used in Ancient Egypt simply because it is a beautiful mineral, it was used because of its energetic and metaphysical qualities, and even so much more than that.


Appearance: The hieroglyph for gold represents a golden collar with beads on its lower edge and hanging ends.

Meaning: Gold was considered by the ancient Egyptians to be a divine and indestructible metal. It was associated with the brilliance of the sun. The Sun God Ra was called "the mountain of gold" and during the Old Kingdom, the Pharaoh was called "the Golden Horus. The skin of the deities was believed to be golden.

The royal tomb was called the "House of Gold" during the New Kingdom and Isis and Nephthys were often depicted on the ends of sarcophagi kneeling on the hieroglyph meaning "gold".

Symbolism of Gold
Gold symbolizes the purity of the spiritual aspect of "All That Is". It is symbolic of spiritual development in the realm of complete understanding, allowing one to both attain and maintain communion with the source of all being. It emits an energy to prompt one to allow beauty to come forth from the inner being as one travels through the world of experiences. It assists one to activate, to mobilize and to actualize the intrinsic potential of the self. The energy of gold can assist one in the elimination of ego conflicts and feelings of futility. It balances the heart chakra and amplifies thought forms. Gold has been used to open the third-eye and is an excellent mineral for purification of the physical body.
Gold can balance energy fields, and is beneficial for opening and balancing the third eye and crown chakras. It can also balance the heart chakra. It can remove negative energy from the chakras and bring in the positive from the stones it is with. It has been used to bring wealth, happiness and good feelings. Gold is a mineral of spirituality, understanding, and attunement to nature. It attracts positive energy and is a great healing mineral.

Element:  Sun/Fire
Illumination - Wisdom - Prosperity
Chakra: Sacral
Keywords: Illumination, love, compassion, self-esteem, courage, passion, sun, solar magic, financial matters, prosperity, wisdom, Yang.
Add Gold color gemstones when you want: increased personal wisdom and power illumination into the proper path for you good overall health success and prosperity. Too much and we become self-centered, seeking personal power. Too little and we become selfish and demanding, and even can become mean spirited (remember Midas). When this Chakra is blocked we experience: Stiff lower back, restlessness, confusion and lack of sexual desire or pleasure.

Symbolic Meaning of Gold
Technically (and alchemically) speaking, gold is a soft, shiny, yellow, heavy, malleable, ductile metal.  It is also a trivalent and a univalent, which means it’s a transitional metal.
As a transitional metal, gold is symbolic of flexibility on our spiritual path while life experience galvanizes our faith.
One of the more valued elements, gold represents perfection in all matter, on any level. It also symbolizes humankind’s quest to perfect, illuminate and refine his/herself.
Because of its resistance to heat and acid, gold is a symbol of immutability, eternity and perfection.
Because of its golden color, it is almost universally associated with solar symbolism.  This gives gold such attributes as:
In Christian symbolism, gold is considered an attribute of virtue and golden hues are used quite often in Christian art to convey divine love.
The infamous legend of alchemists turning common metals into gold is actually a parable for the human quest to change base vulgarities like greed, hate and selfishness into qualities like love, virtue and compassion through the process of self-purification. Therefore, gold is symbolic of this transition of the soul.


My Spirit Is More Precious Than Gold and Every Other Precious Metals and Gems. My Spirit Is Made Up of Pure Love!

So It Eternally Is!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

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